rgd post

RGD feature: Women in leadership

March 8, 2023

On International Women’s Day, the RGD (Canada’s largest professional association for graphic designers) featured Principal and Creative Director, Tanya Duffy, in an article about women in leadership. In the article, Tanya shared her thoughts about working in the design industry for the past 15 years and her experience as a woman leader in male dominated field. See below for a glimpse into the article:

Can you share any advice for women interested in starting their own firm?

One of the best things you can do is keep a collaborative mindset. Instead of viewing my peers as competition, I’ve found a valuable support system in the industry and with other female business leaders. Now I’m able to share things I’ve learned with others. It’s made the journey more enjoyable and I’ve built many important friendships and partnerships as a result.

Read the full article on the RGD website.