
Marketing in an uncertain time

March 10, 2020

COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges for businesses. Transitioning to remote workplaces, bricks and mortar closures, travel restrictions, loss of sales revenue and economic uncertainty are only a few obstacles on a long and growing list. Many are wondering how to best adjust their 2020 business plans over the upcoming weeks and months. The role of marketing and design is still a critical asset as your team pivots and adapts to its new reality. The most important thing you can do now is to stay connected to your customers as you adjust your plans for how you will reach and serve them post-pandemic. Here are three simple ways to begin.

1. Start with an audit. Review your current marketing plans and goals for the year. What projects are viable, given the new circumstances? What could be set aside until the dust settles? Do you have short-term marketing goals that are no longer relevant? Are there long-term ones you could work on now? Does your business intend to move its sales online down the road? Are you hoping to eventually undertake a rebrand or new website? If you’ve struggled to find capacity for larger, more daunting projects, now is the time.

2. Consider your audience. What challenges are your customers facing in the wake of COVID-19? How have their needs changed? Could your product or service be adapted to better serve them? What channels do you normally use for marketing? Are they still effective? In this time of extreme isolation, connection is essential. A simple social media post sending good vibes can go a long way in securing customer loyalty in the long-run.

3. Look to the future. The uncertainty in the aftermath of the pandemic will require experts and leaders to help us navigate into a new normal. How will your organization be able to help your customers? Maybe it’s best practices for senior care, helping families and children adjust, or legal advice for businesses. Whatever your field, positioning yourself as an expert now is valuable for when life returns to normal.

As businesses around the globe consider their next steps, it’s essential for your brand to present itself as durable and adaptable. Well-crafted messages offering help, advice and connection with your customers is more efficient than silence.